An energy efficient home or a passive house?

Nearly zero-energy or a passive house?

Are you familiar with E-level 30? And what is needed to build or renovate a nearly zero-emission building? Or how does a passive house push this even more? Read along to find out everything you need to know about energy efficient homes.

Nowadays it’s impossible to build a house without taking energy efficiency into account. For every building you apply for planning permission, you need to consider and meet the Energy Performance and Indoor Climate requirements (EPIC). Respecting these requirements when building or renovating a building, will make sure you have an optimal energy consumption. Every year these requirements become more strict – since 2021, almost all buildings in Flanders need to be nearly zero-emission buildings. But what does this mean?

Energy Performance and Indoor Climate requirements

Online you can find which energy performance requirements need to be respected for your construction project. First of all, the exact requirements depend on the purpose of your building. The norms for schools and offices are different from the ones for residential buildings. Also the nature of the construction works play a role: are you building from scratch or renovating an existing building? And finally, the requirements depend on the year you submit your application. Careful: the year in which you submit counts, not the year your application is accepted. And last but, not least, respecting the energy performance requirements is mandatory. If you don’t take them into account, you risk getting a hefty fine.

One of the energy performance requirements for residential buildings is the E-level. The lower the E-level, the more energy efficient your building is. This level indicates the maximum level your building is allowed to reach.

Nearly zero-emission building (NZEB)

The highest E-level a nearly zero-emission building, or an NZEB-building, is allowed to reach is E30. This building must meet the requirements regarding thermal isolation, risk of overheating and ventilation. The low amount of energy required should be covered by energy from renewable sources.

It’s important to consider that each country and region determines different rules and requirements. The NZEB requirements are only applicable in Flanders.

Passive houses

A passive house has an even higher energy performance. Passive housing barely uses energy, the average total energy consumption is 75% lower than a traditional newly built home. Because it is very well isolated you barely need to use heating or a ventilation system to control the temperature within the house, because of the optimal use of available heat from the sun or the residual value of electrical appliances. A passive house consumes a maximum of 15 kWh/m² and oftentimes even has an E-level below zero. The requirements for a passive house meet the highest standards in terms of energy efficiency.

Whether you opt for an NZEB building or prefer to build a passive house, it’s a good investment to fight climate change and on top of that, your wallet benefits from it in the long run. Building permits for demolition and reconstruction of a nearly zero-emission building applied for in 2023, you enjoy a 50% reduction on property tax for five years. When you apply for a building permit for buildings aiming for an E-level of E10 or lower, you’ll get a 100% reduction on property tax. This counts also for newly built residential buildings.

Do you want to know more or discuss possibilities? Get in touch here and we’ll schedule a meet-up.

Immowi Assistance

There is often an invisible wall between marketing and sales. Companies invest in marketing campaigns to generate leads, but do not take the right actions to turn those leads into customers. To remedy this shortcoming, the strategic online lead generator Immowi is adding a new extension: Immowi Assistance. Until now, we delivered high quality leads thanks to online marketing, but with Immowi Assistance we significantly increase the chance of these leads actually becoming customers. Thanks to this approach, companies that do business with us know how to convert their leads and have a platform where the leads are offered on a silver platter, ready to be converted into valuable customers.
Extremely result-oriented
We could make it easy on ourselves and be happy with just bringing in high-quality leads. But it’s frustrating when your hard work doesn’t follow through. Immowi’s great strength has always been that we are very results-oriented. Many marketers have a reputation for selling hot air, because they can’t substantiate their returns. We did that right from the start, and that’s why we were able to grow from one to more than 10 full-time employees in a very short period of time.
With MyImmowi we just go one step further than what classic lead generators do. We go to the point where a lead becomes a valuable prospect. We help our customers convert their leads into customers.
Entrepreneurial mindset always in mind
MyImmowi builds the bridge between marketing and sales. We Make it as easy as possible for the client to contact the lead. You have to keep them warm. If you let a few days or even weeks pass between the moment a lead shows interest in your product and the moment you contact that lead, you will lose him. Then your success ratio will remain low. So, we try to immediately set an appointment in the diaries of our clients’ salespeople. You have to strike while the iron is hot.
Letting sales people do what they do best
Sales people like to sell, but they thoroughly hate administration. They keep track of their leads, their appointments and their deals in Excel, or even with pen and paper. They only keep track of their own prospects. Many companies do not have a sales pipeline. So, you risk sending a quotation to a customer after a successful meeting, but ultimately missing the customer because you forgot to follow up on the quotation. You’re almost done, but because of the lack of a decent digital process you miss out on a customer – and therefore also on turnover.
We pick the low-hanging fruit for our customers. We automate the entire process from lead to customer, and put it into one clear dashboard. This way, as a business manager, you can follow everything from A to Z. How many leads does a campaign produce? How many of those leads drop out along the way? How many become customers? What stage is each lead in? The personnel cost of sales people is very high in many companies. If sales people do not lose time calling leads and recording appointments – which we do – they can focus on what they are really good at. And that is still selling, closing deals.
Measuring ROI to the euro
We bring marketing and sales under one roof. That way, you can make your campaigns much more effective. Imagine that your campaigns for one brand on Facebook and on Google both generate 10 leads, but that 8 of those 10 Facebook leads become customers and only 2 of those 10 Google leads. If you’re purely marketing, you won’t get that information and so you’ll continue to put the same amount of effort into Facebook and Google.
If you also include the sales part and you do get that information, then you can turn the right buttons, redirect your budgets and generate much more turnover.