Why a custom CRM can be the key to converting your customers faster

custom CRM is the key to converting your customers more quickly

Why a custom CRM can be the key to converting your customers more quickly and scaling your business.

In this day and age, a CRM software package is no longer a technological luxury or a specialised tool only for large corporations. Every company enjoys the benefits of using a CRM package, whether you are large or small. There are several well-known players with fantastic packages on the market, such as Hubspot or Salesforce, to name but a few. But these CRM packages come with big price tags where users have to adapt to the functionalities available rather than being a customised solution that can be planned into the day-to-day operation of the company.

Custom CRM or Customer Relationship Management

We strongly believe that a CRM or Customer Relationship Management package needs to be a customisable business tool which enables you to tailor your in-house activities.

We certainly don’t want to demolish the well-known applications such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Teamleader or Zoho. On the contrary. When built in the right way, they are undoubtedly of inestimable value to many companies. 

But our experience shows that real estate organisations are looking for something other than start-up solutions because there are several variables to be taken into account. 

You have the characteristics of the real estate project, documentation and images that go with these real estate projects, you have the different lead statuses, follow-up methods, due dates, project managers, sales managers, connections with the different lead platforms and so on.

MyImmowi - CRM tool for the Real Estate Industry

That’s why we have create MyImmowi, which is an automated, personalized and user-friendly Lead Generation platform for the Real Estate market. Developed to get more insights into your real estate target group and real estate leads and designed for optimal lead management, data insights and marketing automation.

MyImmowi enables real estate agents and project developers to have full control over their way of following up their real estate leads, by building and setting up customised modules based on the individual needs. Without making it complex or confusing. We help them to save time on lead management activities by first listening to your needs and wishes and then incorporating them in the best possible way. 

In this way, we allow them to focus more easily on converting their customers more quickly and scaling their business.

We are 100% committed to user friendliness of our platform, service and support, and want to meet the needs of any real estate organisation without compromising on quality. 

By entering into a dialogue with our customers, we are able to innovate quickly. Because our real estate customers all benefit. 

If you are interested in our CRM package, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly advise and assist you.


Also interesting to read is our article entitled: “It doesn’t stop with lead generation, it’s the follow-up that ensures conversions.

Immowi Assistance

There is often an invisible wall between marketing and sales. Companies invest in marketing campaigns to generate leads, but do not take the right actions to turn those leads into customers. To remedy this shortcoming, the strategic online lead generator Immowi is adding a new extension: Immowi Assistance. Until now, we delivered high quality leads thanks to online marketing, but with Immowi Assistance we significantly increase the chance of these leads actually becoming customers. Thanks to this approach, companies that do business with us know how to convert their leads and have a platform where the leads are offered on a silver platter, ready to be converted into valuable customers.
Extremely result-oriented
We could make it easy on ourselves and be happy with just bringing in high-quality leads. But it’s frustrating when your hard work doesn’t follow through. Immowi’s great strength has always been that we are very results-oriented. Many marketers have a reputation for selling hot air, because they can’t substantiate their returns. We did that right from the start, and that’s why we were able to grow from one to more than 10 full-time employees in a very short period of time.
With MyImmowi we just go one step further than what classic lead generators do. We go to the point where a lead becomes a valuable prospect. We help our customers convert their leads into customers.
Entrepreneurial mindset always in mind
MyImmowi builds the bridge between marketing and sales. We Make it as easy as possible for the client to contact the lead. You have to keep them warm. If you let a few days or even weeks pass between the moment a lead shows interest in your product and the moment you contact that lead, you will lose him. Then your success ratio will remain low. So, we try to immediately set an appointment in the diaries of our clients’ salespeople. You have to strike while the iron is hot.
Letting sales people do what they do best
Sales people like to sell, but they thoroughly hate administration. They keep track of their leads, their appointments and their deals in Excel, or even with pen and paper. They only keep track of their own prospects. Many companies do not have a sales pipeline. So, you risk sending a quotation to a customer after a successful meeting, but ultimately missing the customer because you forgot to follow up on the quotation. You’re almost done, but because of the lack of a decent digital process you miss out on a customer – and therefore also on turnover.
We pick the low-hanging fruit for our customers. We automate the entire process from lead to customer, and put it into one clear dashboard. This way, as a business manager, you can follow everything from A to Z. How many leads does a campaign produce? How many of those leads drop out along the way? How many become customers? What stage is each lead in? The personnel cost of sales people is very high in many companies. If sales people do not lose time calling leads and recording appointments – which we do – they can focus on what they are really good at. And that is still selling, closing deals.
Measuring ROI to the euro
We bring marketing and sales under one roof. That way, you can make your campaigns much more effective. Imagine that your campaigns for one brand on Facebook and on Google both generate 10 leads, but that 8 of those 10 Facebook leads become customers and only 2 of those 10 Google leads. If you’re purely marketing, you won’t get that information and so you’ll continue to put the same amount of effort into Facebook and Google.
If you also include the sales part and you do get that information, then you can turn the right buttons, redirect your budgets and generate much more turnover.